Working with mature adults and  people with disabilities in the field of therapeutic recreation and rehabilitation for 20 years has provided me with a variety of experience and expertise in wellness and physical function.  My passion is to make life fun, interesting, and meaningful for my clients. I bring a unique blend of outdoor, educational, and cultural resources to my work. In addition, I have received national certification in my fields of recreation therapy, personal training and wellness coaching.

I am very versatile and am a Certified Tour Guide as well as a Certified Master Gardener, and feel equally comfortable in the garden, in nature, in senior facilities, and leading people on tours of wonderful places near and far. I have a friendly Husky that loves to visit with people, have knowledge of many hiking trails, have a sea kayak, and ability to take clients to various outdoor spots around the Bay Area. I also have a background in mindfulness meditation. Most importantly, I value each individual's interests and go out of my way to learn about and support them in their favorite endeavors. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions and I will be happy to answer them.


About Me